Stela Anguelova

Resume | Activities | Experience | Skills | Research & Awards

Boynton lunchtime activities photo

I am helping a student find matching beads as part of jewelry making during one of Boynton Middle School's lunchtime activities sessions.

Teaching Standards

Standard VII. Collaboration and Outreach

Fostering positive relationships with students, their families, colleagues, and the local community is a wonderful way to enhance teaching.

Particularly establishing that personal connection with each student, greatly improves and helps maintain a positive classroom learning environment.


Teaching Standards

Content Knowledge Planning and Instruction/Implementation Positive Learning Environment Diversity Technology Assessment Collaboration and Outreach Professional Development

Teaching Philosophy

  • As an AVID tutor for two semesters I had the chance to get involved with high school students and conduct tutorials in various subjects. It was a rewarding experience to be able to help out with the program. Being part of it helped me learn instructional techniques specific to AVID but which can benefit any classroom..

Being involved with AVID prior to student teaching was also a great way to get involved and build personal connections with students. Drawing on those experiences not only made me a better student teacher, but it made it easier to challenge students and capitalize on those connections when I had to. It was easier to motivate students who were part of AVID and who were in my classes. Knowing me they were willing to put in the extra effort and persevere just to please me.

AVID logo

  • To help foster a productive communcation channel with caregivers, I send this letter to all students' families.

letter to parents

  • While I taught at Ithaca High School I also had the chance to help organize and proctor the AMC competition. In my opinion this contest is a great and rare opportunity to challenge students and channel their creativity. It was so nice to see students tackle the challenging problems and to see them experience satisfaction in their performance. I had a brief experience with the coach of the I.H.S. mathematics team. Having participated in similar competitions I could recommend resources to him such as helpful problem solving books and interactive virtual classroom sites that discuss past problems from international mathematical competitions on a regular basis.

competition winners

Courses Taught

Courses Taken






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