Stela Anguelova

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constructions unit packet

This is the packet I designed for my students for our unit on geometric constructions.

Teaching Standards

Standard II. Planning and Instruction/Implementation

Being a very analytical and organized person, this aspect of teaching is in my nature.

When planning I am inclined to start with the big overlaying idea and with it in mind I gradually move towards the more concrete and specific.

When it comes to the particular details of my lessons I try to envision every aspect of my lesson through the eyes of my students. I keep in mind their current mental state and prior knowledge and experiences. Running this mental test helps me shape my lessons accordingly and plan more appropriately. Scrutinizing the experience and attempting to envision possible glitches to improve on helps me implement more developmentally appropriate instruction.

Teaching Standards

Content Knowledge Planning and Instruction/Implementation Positive Learning Environment Diversity Technology Assessment Collaboration and Outreach Professional Development

Teaching Philosophy

  • Please click on the file name below to download a complere unit I taught in my Calculus class.

Sample Unit in Calculus (.pdf file)

  • The file name below is a joint unit evaluation I created with a colleague. We looked at a complete unit called "Fireworks" in the Year 3 of the Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP) sequence of the reformed curricula in Mathematics and reflected on it.

Fireworks Evaluation (.doc file)

  • You can also read a reflection on an effective lesson I taught at the 8th grade level at Union Springs Middle School.

Lesson Reflection (.doc file)




Courses Taught

Courses Taken





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