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Fourier Transform WebQuest



Mathematical Introduction

Scientists and engineers are often confronted with periodic functions that are difficult to handle from the computational standpoint. In order to facilitate the analysis of these functions, they are often broken down to a sum of sinusoidal functions referred as Fourier Series.

If the function f(x) is periodic with period 2p, then its Fourier series is

fourier series for a periodic fucntion of period 2pi

Should the function have some arbitrary period 2a and be bound between –a and a then its Fourier series becomes
Fourier form for a function of arbitrary period 2a and bounded between –a and a

Even though the complete presentation of f(x) requires infinite number of terms, in practice only few terms are required to give reasonable approximation of the original function.


In order to find the Fourier series coefficients of a function with period 2a, the following procedure is used:

zero^th coefficient for the Fourier series of a function with period 2a
n^th a coefficient
n^th b coefficient

For many functions (but definitely not the majority) either the odd or even n coefficients turn out to be zero. For other functions all coefficients above some n are zero and they are represented perfectly by a finite sum of sines and cosines.


Contact me at sanguel1@ithaca.edu